Sunday, August 8, 2010

Paying for School

I have become exhausted trying to win a scholarship to pay for school. I carry a 4.0 GPA, belong to several successful fund-raising volunteer groups, and have a great vision of where I would love to take my abilities in this new career. Alas, I can not qualify for one. While applying for just about every scholarship know to mankind, even going online and taking surveys for I can not catch a break.

I am retired and on a pension, my husband works, but is working on his Master's Degree. On paper we look fine financially and we are comfortable considering the financial climate nowadays. What gets makes me mad is that I am expected to deplete my savings for school, when others that have not even matched the qualifications set forth by a scholarship will win it. Case in point, a certain "Ravioli in a Can" scholarship can be awarded to a student in a field that is unrelated. Damn it! I would find that guys dog when it would run off and I would take him back home. I wish that was a qualification for the scholarship. I hate being punished for being frugal and saving money. So here is my new plan of attack.

The food recipe contests! Yes this is the new target for paying for my tuition. By turning my kitchen into a friggin' laboratory, so I can research and develop a mind bending, taste bud tingling, toe curling recipe. I do not care if the contest is for chicken lips I am on it! With all this ranting I am now hungry, I hope I have some of the sandwich left over from one of the "Sandwich" trials. This was a pretty good one for the first attempt. I would share what I am making, but I know some bastard out there would steal it and submit and win.

And on that note...I am off!


  1. Go get 'em sista!!! I will be here for ya!!!!!

  2. Good luck Mary Ann. Just think of how it will make you a better chef for all the work you put into the recipes too. You ever want a taster panel we've got 8 good critics here willing to judge your work! Although I would have to pass on the chicken lips, I don't think I want to go there.

  3. True, so true. You are so fricking your posts! Good Luck!!
